East National Park is located in the southeastern corner of the Dominican Republic. This park contains some of the most fascinating Taino sites ever discovered as well as one of the most unique flooded caverns ever found.
East National Park is located in the southeastern corner of the Dominican Republic. This park contains some of the most fascinating Taino sites ever discovered as well as one of the most unique flooded caverns ever found.
Indiana University has been studying Padre Nuestro cavern as a Taino water gathering site since 1996. Recently there have been several discoveries which make this site very important. There are several sets of extinct sloth remains which have been very well preserved within the cavern. In July of 2009 the remains of a small primate and lithics made by early inhabitants of the island were found in the same cave. Having evidence of prehistoric man and extinct faunal remains so close together could give a great deal of insight into the relationship of early settlers and the megafauna on the island.
Chicho cavern is a much more open cavern in the Padre Nuestro Complex. The water's surface is open to the air with the cavern ceiling above. There is a population on bats and tarantulas inhabiting the dry section of the cavern along with several other millipedes and insects. At the entrance to the water there is a pile of rubble and debris washed into the cavern by the rain that provides shelter and food for a small population of an unidentified species of crab which is absent from the nearby Padre Nuestro cavern. Chicho is believed to have been an important water gathering site for the Taino people, which is evident by the presence of shards of broken pottery and intact potizas.
La Aleta, located within the south-central region of Parque Nacional del Este is a deep limestone grotto, filled with crystal clear fresh water surrounded by several ceremonial plazas. Detailed analysis of incredibly well preserved artifacts and archeological investigations of on the site point to its historical significance.